Eugene Marillier


How Did I Do It?

Have you ever felt that life was unfair, as though a Higher Power was distant and out of reach?
While fumbling in the dark isn’t easy for anyone, with determination, we can navigate through life and eventually see the light at the end of the tunnel. Guidance is crucial, but so is the determination to keep pushing forward and the curiosity to explore what lies ahead.

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The Early Struggles

Throughout my life, I’ve always had a sense that a Higher Power existed somewhere beyond my reach. But where exactly was “out there”? It always felt distant, almost unattainable. My life seemed to be filled with unfairness, and for someone who valued truth and justice, it was hard to comprehend how people could be so selfish and cruel. When things went wrong—when I was betrayed, when others turned against me—it was easy to question the existence of God. At times, I even believed that God only favored certain people, leaving others behind.
What I didn’t realise was that it wasn’t God who was causing my pain—I was. I was the one creating my reality, planting seeds of habitual anger, dissatisfaction, low self-worth, and doubt. The more I viewed the world through this negative lens, shaped by my past experiences, the more I distanced myself from the Higher Power, from the Source.
I use the terms God, Higher Power, and Source lightly. Please feel free to refer to or reflect on the deity you serve as you read.

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I frequently grappled with questions that many ponder: “Where is this God that people talk about? Why does He allow such suffering? Why me? What wrongs have I committed in past lives to deserve such turmoil in this one?” These intense questions led me to distance myself from God. The sense of separation grew as I struggled with feelings of abandonment. There were fleeting moments when I reached out for a connection with God, but these were often overshadowed by despair caused by troubled relationships and financial hardships.
At times, I believed that everything I achieved was solely due to my own efforts and understanding. How wrong I was. My journey brought me to a harsh realization between 2016 and 2021, a period marked by holding on by the thinnest of threads. I clung to the hope that holding on would keep me from falling apart, ultimately revealing my deep need for guidance from a Higher Power.
I sensed that there was more to life, that I was missing something essential, including a sense of peace and happiness. I knew that I didn’t need an agent, and my negative experiences with church had made it an unattractive option. Deep down, I felt there must be an alternative path, but my hardships and reliance on my own understanding only deepened my despair, obscuring the very logic that might have led me to find God.

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When the student is ready, the master appears. However, the journey is often long and filled with trials and errors. It’s easy to give up, stray, or lose your way for many reasons. 2021 wasn’t the first time I reached out to God—it wasn’t even the second or third. I had embarked on this journey multiple times before, but feelings of overwhelm, a lack of direction, and trying to go it alone often resulted in my failure to fully walk the path with God.

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2021 marked a significant turning point for me. I began praying earnestly from October 2021, and by January 2022, I intensified my prayers. I was grappling with the presence of a negative influence in my life, whose impact was dragging me deeper into a pit of despair. It took three months for the devilish presence to leave my life, but with persistent prayer and determination, I eventually experienced a profound shift. The master appeared in ways I had never thought possible.

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The MoneyTribe21: Finding Mentors, Justin Harrison and Dawie Bester, Amidst My Cloud

One of the ways the master showed up was through a profound sense of peace, strength, and capability that I hadn’t felt before.
I also discovered Justin Harrison and Dawie Bester, who were launching Moneytribe21—a resource I clung to and eagerly anticipated. I saw this as my way out of the rut I had been stuck in. They promised a course that would transform my life, and I didn’t hesitate to await its launch in July 2023. In the meantime, I focused on healing both physically and emotionally, placing my trust in God and waiting for His direction. In addition, I discovered many other resources, including gospel songs and hymns, pastors who always delivered the right words at the right time, and YouTube devotionals, among others. These all played a significant role in uplifting me while I was dealing with an ailing body.

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Being a Member of MoneyTribe21

While grappling with illness caused by overwhelming stress and financial strain—due to COVID’s economic impact, a drastically reduced salary, and increased expenditures from supporting my adult children and grandchildren—I was uncertain how I would afford my monthly subscription to MoneyTribe. I had taken out a significant loan for a tavern, but circumstances forced me to close it soon after. The bills piled up, presenting an unexpected challenge that I had to confront, as I had with every other difficulty before. My body suffered under the strain, and while I wasn’t surprised by my illness, I found a lifeline in MoneyTribe, which provided the lessons I needed.

The MoneyTribe 21 Team has an unwavering commitment to improving the lives of others, driven by an insatiable desire to make a positive difference. The course provides a holistic approach to Physical, Mental, and Spiritual growth (divided into many Pillars), accompanied by a personalized, sometimes Live Forex Trading events.

These are the Pillars you will indulge in;
Health, Mind, Finance, Wealth, Business, Networking, Sovereignty, Income Opportunities, and many more

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The Lessons I learned from my MoneyTribe21 Course

Lesson 1:
How to free up money from my overburdened salary.
Lesson 2:
The importance of maintaining mental fortitude and a strong mind. I also learned how to achieve mental agility and strength.
Lesson 3:
Forging strong relationships with the self, the higher self and with others – integrity.

Lesson 4:
The importance of knowing and being educated on the foods we eat, the water we consume, and the ways in which our environment affects us.

Lesson 5:

These are only a few of the lessons I’ve learned but here are the Pillars

Here are all the MoneyTribe 21 Links

Moneytribe Homepage

Paid Course: Live Forex Trading

Free Course: Money Mastery

Free eBook: 10 Percent Book

Free Course: “MindPower” Training

Free Course: The Business Blueprint

Free Course: Debt Mastery


I can truthfully say, I’m better now. I have fully recovered. I’m in the happiest, most content place I’ve ever been in all my life. I give thanks to God whom I now walk with. It’s still a journey, one I intend to hold on to indefinitely because – it’s a great environment to be in.

Great Is Your Mercy: Song by Don Moen

Thank You for Your mercy
Thank You for Your grace
Thank You for Your blood
That made a way
To come into Your presence
And glorify Your name
Lord, I stand amazed at what I see
Great is Your mercy toward me
Your loving kindness toward me
Your tender mercies I see
Day after day
Forever faithful to me
Always providing for me
Great is Your mercy toward me
Great is Your grace
Your promises are ageless
Your love will never end
To a thousand generations
Your covenant will stand
Showing grace and mercy
To those who fear Your name
Establishing Your righteousness and praise
Great is Your mercy toward me
Your loving kindness toward me
Your tender mercies I see
Day after day
Forever faithful to me
Always providing for me
Great is Your mercy toward me
Great is Your grace
Great is Your mercy toward me
Your loving kindness toward me
Your tender mercies I see
Day after day
Forever faithful to me
Always providing for me
Great is Your mercy toward me
Great is Your grace
Great is Your mercy toward me
Great is Your grace (Your grace)
Great is Your mercy toward me
Great is Your grace

2 thoughts on “How Did I Do It?”

  1. Eugene my friend. Thank you so much for your inspiring life journey. Your resilience to fight for a better life. You’re blessed with courage, strength and wisdom. I wish you nothing but the best. I’m happy to have crossed paths with you. Life can only get better from this point forward. I’m inspired🙏🙇‍♂️👌🫶❤️🙌👌.

    1. Hi girlfriend

      I appreciate that you took the time to read and engage with me on my Website. I really do appreciate that. This is like an outlet and if I’m able to inspire you and anyone else, I’m happy. In everything, the only thing which ultimately makes sense (I believe), is cultivating that close relationship with God so I pray we keep building on that. Many blessings my friend and I too, thank God for having met you in this lifetime. You might not know it, but you do make a profound difference. Take care of youself. Much Love.

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